Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Religion - My God Isn't Your God!!!

Three topics that get peoples attention...politics, religion and sex. Two that get people upset...politics and religion. Well I just did my politics rant so here is my religion rant.

I'm rather tired of everyone's god being the right god. If you don't believe in their particular religion then you are doomed. No, I don't think that this outlook will ever change. I don't believe that my god is the right god. Yes, I do believe there is a god (call him by whatever name you wish). Statistically speaking it isn't probable that the world would exist without one. The god I believe in encompasses all the world, all the races, all religions. He has taken many forms in many different parts of the world. He has tried to spread his message to everyone. Just walk outside your door and you will see him in everything around you.

The human race is to blame for the evils done in god's name. We are a selfish bunch and we want him for ourself. We use his name to fuel our greed. We pray to him to win our wars. We point to him when we want to degrade a sect of people we don't agree with. This can't be avoided. As long as humans exist this will always be the way things are in the world.

A select few will see past the lies and deceit of human religion. They will see a loving god that accepts all equally. A god that doesn't live in just one church. A god that is there for all. If you are a part of organized religion I have no qualms with you as long as you understand that your religion is not the only acceptable religion. As long as you don't believe that your religion is the only gate into heaven.

If you believe that your religion is the only correct religion and those that don't know your teachings and beliefs will certainly burn in hell then consider this:

What of isolated tribes that were never exposed to religion until the Christians came to teach them. They were broken off from the outside world. Before they heard the words of Christianity.....were they lost? Almost all of the tribes had a religion of their own making before the Christians came. Was it the wrong religion? Was their god/gods wrong? Surely this cannot be true. The bible teaches that we shall find god in the things around us. They had already found him. They didn't need someone to come along and tell them they were wrong. They were already saved.

I'll wait for replies and then perhaps I will rant some more.

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