Monday, April 6, 2009

CSI - What Horatio Caine and Brian Have In Common

I know....I the past I've been known to say that there hasn't been anything good on television since MacGyver went off the air. I might have been exaggerating just a bit. I tend to do that.

I loves me some CSI. Specifically I loves me some CSI Miami - but I'll watch any of the shows. They are all quite good. I love CSI Miami because I enjoy David Caruso as Horatio Caine.

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="513" caption="Horatio Caine kicks ass"]Horatio Caine kicks ass[/caption]

What a badass!!!! What a badass with red hair!!!! I love the way he never looks the bad guys in the eye when he talks to them. He's always looking off into the distance - looking at something else when he talks to them. It seems to say "you're not important enough for me to even look at" or maybe "you're such scum I can't bear to look at you" or maybe still "I'm just doing this to make you paranioid - is it working?". Whatever it is I friggin' love it. I haven't been this excited about a tough guy character since Clint Eastwood did Dirty Harry.

The other thing I love about CSI - it's really quite gross. I love eating while I'm watching. Having dinner during CSI is a blast. Nothing like eating and watching some person having their chest split open. "Oh....what's that? Oh, is that puss coming out of that wound? Oh good lord - it squirted into that guys eye. Can you hand me the chips and dip?"

I hated to see William Peterson (Gil Grissom) leave the main show. He was kind of my favorite on that program. However, I'm extremely physced to see Laurence Fishburn (Ray Langston) fill his shoes. Wow, what a fenomanal actor. It will be interesting to watch his character develop.

Well, I'm going to go practice my Horatio Caine tough guy bit in front of the mirror now. Have to work on some of those tacky cop show sayings - the ones they always say after they bust the badguy. What was the one they used on the show last night? Oh I remember.....

Badguy: I'll get away because my family will get me the best defense money can buy.

Horatio: The best defense is an honest life.

Oh Horatio - you're so zany.

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