Sunday, May 3, 2009

X-men Origins Wolverine - Stupid Frikkin' Silly Bone Claws

I have a confession to make. I'm a huge fan of the X-Men character Wolverine. I have been collecting comics about him since childhood and that is primarily the only comic book I will read. I'm kinda a Wolverine snob in comic book reading circles. I'm the guy who pisses off all the other comic reading dorks because I think that Wolverine can kill all their favorite sissy ass characters in a fight to the death.

Ah, nerds rule the world!!!

It's true. Nerds now rule the world. Look at all the comic book based movies that are out. All the video game based movies. Are there any movies that aren't nerd based? Frikkin' Michael Bay is doing Transformer movies for god's sake. What kind of topsy turvy world is this that I'm living in?

I digress.

Bone claws!!!! They went and gave Wolverine bone-frikkin'-claws in the movie!!!

[caption id="attachment_100" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Wolverine With His Bone Claws He So Very Young"]Wolverine With His Bone Claws He So Very Young[/caption]

I hate BONE CLAWS!!! What kind of smeckpepper sauce were the producers of this movie on when they decided to give my favorite frikkin' character in the world of comics bone claws????!!!!! I've been reading Wolverine comics since the 1970's and this bone claw thing is a recent invention of the early 90's. It was jammed into the story to fill a hole. Before that readers were led to believe that Wolverine didn't have the claws until the Weapon X project (the part in the movie where they put all that cool metal onto his skeleton). We were led to believe that tube like structures were surgically installed into his forearm to house the blades. Here's some graphical representations to help you understand what the hell I'm babbling on about.

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="290" caption="Wolverine Is On the Left - What's all that crazy stuff inside his arm?"]Wolverine Is On the Left - Whats all that crazy stuff inside his arm?[/caption]

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="640" caption="What's That On The Left? No Bone Claws Here."]Whats That On The Left? No Bone Claws Here.[/caption]

I rest my case. The bone claw thing is silly and pisses me off. When Marvel ran that story in the comic I wanted to go burn their building to the ground (it's okay Marvel...I've gotten better since then....I would never hurt Stan Lee....and you probably have more than one building).

Beyond that I've got other gripes but I'll leave them dormant for now.

The fight scenes were phenomenal. I could watch those over and over and over. The interaction between Victor Creed (Sabertooth) and Wolvy was off the charts. Hell, I even liked Gambit in this movie and I've never liked Gambit in the comics or animated cartoons. I'm glad the included the scene with Wolvy as a child. Kids around the world are pretending they are Wolverine right now.....Going through the silverware and making mommies good knives into Wolverine claws. Snikt!

[caption id="attachment_103" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Wolverine and Sabertooth Face Off"]Wolverine and Sabertooth Face Off[/caption]

Sarah is not a reader of the comic and she said the movie seemed to leave parts of the story out. I tend to agree with her. So many mixed emotions about this movie. It's so confusing. I need a drink.

I can't begin to tell you how happy I am to see a Wolverine movie made in my lifetime - but if I made it - would be better. NO - it would be perfect.


  1. I really enjoyed X-men orgins much more than the firt X-men films, fantastic film, really gritty! Also want to give the game a go too!

  2. Xmen Origins was my favourite film in the series to date. Much more gritty...less made for teen audience. I was surprised as I had come to expect pretty average films in the series before it.

  3. I remember you bitching about the whole Wolverine bone claw bullshit when we worked at Saied's. The only thing worse (in the comics) than the bone claws was when they made him feral and he licked Cyclops on the cheek. I've also always wondered how he bends his wrists if there is unbendable metal encased in tubes in there.

    I liked the movie. The thing which really bugged me was if he was shot through the head with an adamantium bullet, wouldn't a bullet sized gap in the adamantium on his skull have show up in the x-ray of him from the first movie?

  4. Hey Deano - I tend to agree with you. I loved all the X-Men movies but I loved the Wolverine: Origins movie MORE because it took Logan out of uniform ... the way he was meant to be.

    Yes Chris .... all the above are total BS!!! What an ridiculous way to wipe someones brain. That just doesn't make any damn sense. A bullet to the brain (even an adamantium one) would not erase your memory!!! Might give him a really bad headache though.

    It's so good to hear from you Chris. It's nerds like you that appreciate my comic book banter. It's good to be appreciated. Hope all is well with you.

    Oh, the Wolverine movie wasn't nearly bloody enough either!!!

  5. robert...

    excelent post, keep it coming...
